
Unified Factory

Profile of activity

Unified Factory S.A. is the creator and global provider of sales and customer service automation solutions.

The basis of its technology is a Customer Service Automation platform which utilizes advanced associative memory algorithms, which automate the full customer journey, combining information in B2B, B2C and H2H relations.

Corporate Governance


The Management Board of Unified Factory S.A. implemented Corporate Governance principles resulting from Good Practices for NewConnect companies.


Quality in ISO edition


Information security management for all business operations in storage and sharing of data has been confirmed by awarding Unified Factory S.A. ISO 27001:2013 certificate.

Authorised consultant

The function of the authorized consultant for Unified Factory in the field of trading shares in the NewConnect market was entrusted to:

Łuczyńscy i Wspólnicy Sp. k.
ul. Piękna 24/26
00-549 Warszawa

Telefon: +48 22 821 91 04

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