Join the best, automate sales and customer service
All you need to do is create a specific customer profile, and the entire history of contacts with it will be created fully, automatically. The customer wrote an e-mail and later contacted your company again by phone? Excellently! All contact attempts, interactions and even recordings of conversations can be found in his profile.
Unified factory Easy is easy to use and can be used as a replacement of multiple applications- in this you can assign tasks to different employees. Setting the date, priority, assigning classes or employees to clients – all of this can be done in one application. Your employees will quickly check the list of their tasks and you will have full control over their status for each client. Comfortable and pleasant!
It’s easy to take responsibility for the quality of service when you take care of it yourself. However, when the number of employees responsible for contact with the customer increases, the tools enabling coordination and control of their work become useful. Unified Factory Easy in an intuitive program which allows you to have an insight into the overall communication, but also in every detail – from the recording of chat conversations to the recording of telephone calls. Everything is in one place through our application!
Join the best, automate sales and customer service