More and more online business entrepreneurs are choosing to implement ready-to-use solutions for their website or store, as confirmed by As many as 84% ​​of surveyed respondents choose to implement one of over 40 commercially available ecommerce systems.Today we will see how fast you can integrate the Easy Unified Factory Communicator with the Shoper platform.

Shoper is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms, providing services not only in Poland, which is why this software is the hero of our mini guide, showing how easy it is to implement a customer service tool using the most popular solution used by stores.

If you think adding more components to your shop, which ru1ns on Shoper, is time-consuming and labor-intensive, then be sure to quickly add the Easy Unified Factory Communicator. Surely after our article you will change your mind 🙂


4 steps to Embed the Unified Factory Widget on the Shoper platform:

  1. To embed the Unified Factory Communicator on the site that is built on Shoper, simply log in to the administration panel and find the “Configuration” tab on the main bar.
  2. Then select “Integration” and then “My Integration”.
  3. Then we search for “Page Footer”, by closing </ body>, and we add the previously copied Unified Factory Easy code.
  4. Finally, just save the changes and go to configure your communicator settings directly in UF Easy.



After completing the configuration, simply change the status to “Online” and enjoy voice, chat, email and facebook messenger in one Easy Unified Factory.

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